Friday, March 19, 2021

Socialism / Crutch

Billboard: "We call for a radical redistribution of resources, because economic precarity is another form of harm."

Aunt Deeney: "I hope you're feeling generous, because some of us have made very poor decisions in life, and are therefore much more deserving of your new Mercedes Benz."

No. You earn it or you suffer. Social parasitism is not progress. Neither is adopting the identity of a self-righteous socialist in order to abdicate personal responsibility. 

Daryl: "This is the way it should be. There are two kinds of people in the world: producers and parasites. When a society gets too many parasites, we need the disaster, the tsunami, the earthquake, the war, the flood, the disease to wash away the garbage, to rinse the safety nets of the slugs that use them as a hammock."

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